HUVEC Tube Formation Assay (40x total magnification) Performed 12/16/11

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tube Formation Assay

Tube Formation Assay
Protocol (12/05/11)
By: Sterling Mikkelson

Day 1.
                Thaw Matrigel™ (BDbioscience cat. no. 356234) on ice, overnight at 4°C.

Day 2.
**Note**  Pipet tips and 48 well plate should be placed in 4°C for a minimum of an hour prior to coating 48 well plate to prevent Matrigel™ from polymerizing while coating well plate.

Coating Plate:
·         Keep the Matrigel™ solution in an ice bath and remove 300ml using a cold pipet tip.  Quickly and carefully, transfer the matrigel to a 48 well.  Be sure to remove any air bubbles before gel polymerizes.
·         Incubate at 37°C for 1 hour.
Cell Plating:
·         Aspirate media from stock flask (confluence approx. 80%).
·         Add 5 ml 0.25% trypsin and incubate at 37°C for 5 min.
·        Neutralize by adding 6 ml RPMI media to flask, triterate by pipetting, then add to 15 mL centrifuge tube.
·         Spin at 1500 rpm for 5 min.
·         Aspirate supernatant and add 2-4 mL media (depending on pellet size)
·         Dilute as necessary for counting cells using either a hemacytometer or automated cell counter
·         Determine cell concentration (Will need minimum of 20,000 cells/well for 2H11 and 100,000 cells/well for HUVEC)
·         Add calculated cell concentration to each Matrigel™ coated well and incubate 16-18 hrs. at 37°C

      Day 3.
Cell Imaging:
·         Image the well plate using an inverted microscope with camera
·         Use a 2x and 4x objective lens to view tube formation
·         Capture image
       *Please leave feedback if you have questions or have found this helpful.  Thank you.
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  1. Hi Sterling. Thanks for this protocol. I just wanna know.. which media should the HUVEC cells be suspended in when plating on Matrigel coated well. Thanks.

    1. Michael, have you found success in tube formation using this complete media?

  2. Michael, I apologize for not specifying the media I used for this protocol. I used RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% FBS. Best of luck with your experiment and please let me know how it goes!

  3. hi, Dr. Sterling, I notice you used two cell lines (tumor endothelial and HUVEC). What is the difference of endothelial network formation use these two cell lines? Did network of 2H11 look more branched? Thanks a lot.

  4. Hi,
    Though I don't have a picture of 2H11 tube formation, it had similar network formation as the HUVECs. This made 2H11 an ideal cell line for investigating the angiogenic process.

    Thank you very much for your question. Best of luck in your research.

