HUVEC Tube Formation Assay (40x total magnification) Performed 12/16/11

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Peptide Purification by RP-HPLC

**Note: This protocol is written with the instrument settings already saved.  Anginex was the designed peptide of interest used for this protocol.**

Peptide Sample Prep and RP-HPLC
Protocol (12/08/11)
By: Sterling Mikkelson

Instrument Used:  Beckman Coulter System Gold 166 Detector

Peptide Sample Preparation:  *note: concentration may vary depending on peptide being purified*
·         Remove peptide powder from -20°C Freezer
·         Weigh out 150mg and add to 50 mL Distilled Water for a final concentration of 3mg/mL
·         Sonicate w/ heat for 15 minutes followed by vortexing until powder is completely dissolved
·         Label 50 mL conical tube peptide solution “Crude Anginex – 3mg/mL” and store at 4°C

HPLC Startup:
·         Be sure solvent lines are placed in appropriately labeled bottles
o   (A = Water + 0.1% TFA;  B = Acetonitrile + 0.1% TFA)
·         Double click 32 Karat Software icon on desktop
·         Double click UV icon
·         Turn on UV lamp by clicking on lamp image (right center of screen)
·         Lamp will switch from blinking yellow to pink when lamp is warmed up
·         Open HPLC startup (File > Methods > Open > startup.met)
·         Click on blue arrow located on the top right
·         In box next to Sample ID, type in t
·         Data Path: D:\public
·         In box next to Data File, type in t
·         Click Start (run will take approx. 19 min.)

HPLC Peptide Sample Run:
·         Open HPLC run (File > Methods > Open > peptide25b.met)
·         Click on blue arrow located on the top right
·         In box next to Sample ID, type in peptidename_date_number of run
·         Data Path: D:\Data
·         In box next to Data File, type in peptidename_date_number of run
·         Click Start
·         Change Flow Rate to 6.00mg/mL by clicking on Flow Rate box (will vary depending on peptide). Click OK
·         Rotate injection knob counterclockwise to the load position.
·         Load syringe with 4.8 mL (max) peptide solution
·         When box in lower right reads “waiting for trigger,” inject peptide solution in injector port
·         With syringe still in the injector port, rotate knob clockwise until it stops then remove syringe
·         Collect samples at each peak over the duration of the run for mass-spec. analysis
·         Print a copy of the run (right click on graph > utilities > print) and label peaks where samples were taken

HPLC Shutdown:
·         Switch solvent lines to bottles labeled 70% Acetonitrile
·         Open HPLC shutdown (File > Methods > Open > shutdown.met)
·         Click on blue arrow located on the top right
·         In box next to Sample ID, type in t
·         Data Path: D:\public
·         In box next to Data File, type in t
·         Click Start (run will take approx. 19 min.)
·         Lamp will automatically shut off
·         Close program by clicking on “X” located at the top right corner of screen


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  2. Hi Alex. Thank you for your comment!
