HUVEC Tube Formation Assay (40x total magnification) Performed 12/16/11

Friday, December 9, 2011

EC Migration Assay

 2H11 Migration Assay Protocol
Mayo Lab (Dec. 2011)
Sterling Mikkelson

·         Ibidi 24-well culture inserts (
·         Coating Matrix (Gelatin 0.2%, Collagen 0.01%, Fibronectin 1.0%)
·         RPMI 1640 (10% FBS, 1% Pen-Strep)
·         0.25% Trypsin
·         Hemacytometer
Ø  Day 1
·         Coat each well with desired matrix and incubate for 1 hr. prior to preparing cells for plating
·         Aspirate media from stock 2H11 flask
·         Add 5 ml 0.25% Trypsin and incubate for 5 min.
·         Add 6 ml RPMI media to flask containing trypsin, pipette up and down 3-5 times, and add to 15 ml centrifuge tube.
·         Spin at 1500 rpm for 5 min.
·         Aspirate supernatant and add 3-6 ml media (depending on pellet size)
·         Count cells using hemacytometer (ideal amount of cells should be between 15-50 cells per square)
·         Determine cell concentration (Will need 30,000 cells/ 70 ml)
·         Remove coated culture wells from incubator and aspirate coating.
·         Plate calculated cell concentration (30,000 cell/ 70 ml) into each well and incubate 18-24 hours
Ø  Day 2
·         Prepare compound of interest at desired concentration in a total volume of 400 ml
·         Remove 24-well plate from incubator and carefully remove media in each well using a 200 ml pipettor
·         Using a tweezer, grasp the top corner of the insert and pull up and towards you to remove
·         Slowly, add solution (400 ml total volume) to each well, making sure wells are evenly coated
·         Use inverted microscope at Biomedical Image Processing Lab (BIPL)
·         Under 4X objective magnification, capture migration activity at several time point (0 - 24hr)

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